Summer Intern

Is God calling you to ministry? We are looking for a summer intern to join our ministry team. Trinity's summer intern position offers a young adult the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of ministry areas while providing a broader spectrum of ministry to the congregation and community. 

The summer intern will receive leadership training/mentoring our desire is to encourage, develop and affirm ministry gifts in individuals. 


Job Description

Job Description and Objectives                  Summer Intern –  40 hours /week

Trinity Lutheran Church – Summer 2025 – Approx 16-week term


1)         Position Description

The summer Intern Position is a temporary position created to provide short-term ministry to Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC).   The intern program is designed to benefit both TLC and the Summer Intern.  TLC will benefit from a Young Adult staff member in training and gifts in the areas of church ministry.  The Summer Intern will benefit from an opportunity to gain experience and receive leadership training/mentoring in a variety of ministry areas as well as to receive constructive feedback to help them grow toward reaching their potential in Christian service.  Specific responsibilities will vary depending on the strengths of the individual.


2)         Purpose of the Program

•        Provide a broader spectrum of ministry to the congregation and community

•        Encourage, develop, and affirm ministry gifts in individuals


3)         Responsibilities

Youth Work – Work closely with the Lead Pastor and the Board of Education.   

            Specific tasks may include:

•        Organize, plan and execute youth activities as needed

•        Teach, deliver devotionals

•        Seek out and include community youth

•        Seek to coordinate activities with One Hope Youth Outreach in ways that are mutually beneficial

Children’s Ministry – Assist ministry to children by providing administrative assistance and encouragement to volunteers. The Summer Intern is to cooperate with volunteers rather than simply replacing them. Education programs include Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and possibly other summer days/camp opportunities. Specific task may include:

•        Organize, plan and execute summer activities for kids/youth (sports camp, art camp, water park fund day, etc)

•        Assist in planning and leadership of Vacation Bible School and Rodeo Float

•        Ensure volunteers clearly understand their responsibilities; equip and encourage volunteers

Visitation – Under the direction of the Lead Pastor

Preaching and Bible Study Leadership – in consultation with the Lead Pastor (not required)

Self-Initiated Project – The Summer Intern is encouraged to bring their own ministry ideas to the Board of Education for approval.


4)         Reporting

   Supervision, Mentoring, and Accountability

•        Directly to the Lead Pastor

•        Reporting monthly to the Church Council via the Board of Education

Attend staff meetings as scheduled. The Summer Intern will be expected to share written work plans for the coming week and report from the previous week (submit timesheet).

Attend Board of Education meetings as scheduled and give a monthly report


5)         Evaluation

•        Will be solicited from each of the areas of ministry with which the Summer Intern has been involved or assisted

•        By Pastor Maggie

•        Self-evaluation at the end of the contract


6)         Conditions of Employment

The Summer Intern should have a good understanding of Lutheran doctrine and a willingness to work within it.  Employment will begin approximately start of May and end late August.  The candidate will normally work 40 hours per week.  Renumeration to be determined based on experience. There are no benefits with this position, but labour laws do apply.  The applicant must undergo a Criminal Records check to be in compliance with our insurance regulations and operating policies.  This position is designed for a young adult.



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