Is God calling you to join our team?

We at Trinity are praying for God's direction in calling a Pastor to lead us in our mission to “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping and sending disciples”.   

Congregational Summary

Trinity is an active, multi-generational congregation, averaging 140-180 attendants for worship pre-covid. There are numerous active ministries, including Sunday School for ages 4 to adult, ladies Bible study, midweek evening Bible studies, missions ministry that includes local mission initiatives and travel mission teams, Vacation Bible School, funeral luncheon team, confirmation classes, quilting group, vibrant music teams, caring ministry teams and visitation teams. The church staff includes two Pastors, one full time Office Administrator, Worship and Communications Minister and contract custodians. Our building is also actively used by groups in our community such as  A.A. and an African Christian Church Group.

Community Summary

Trinity is situated in Brooks, a small city of 15,000 in southeastern Alberta. Brooks is ethnically and culturally diverse with over 100 languages and dialects spoken and is supported by the main industries of oil & gas and agriculture (farming & ranching), including the JBS Beef Processing Plant. Brooks is easily accessible as it is only a 1 hour and 45 minute drive south east of the Calgary International Airport on the Trans-Canada Highway.

For more information please click the links for the  Congregational Profile and Community Profile. Scroll down for a video tour of our church building.

If you or someone you know is interested in this position please send your cover letter and resume to