Looking for a Bible Study

Join us for fun, fellowship and study of God's word.

Adult Membership/Adult Confirmation

Instructor: Pastor Maggie

This class is designed for adults or high-school aged youth who desire to learn what the Bible says about key doctrines of the Church. Using God's Holy Word we study God's salvation story in the Scriptures, the 6 key doctrines of the Church - The Ten Commandments, The Lord's Prayer, Confession and Absolution, The Apostles' Creed, Baptism and Holy Communion. Luther's Small Catechism, written by Martin Luther was designed to teach the Christian faith in the Lutheran understanding. The Small Catechism plays an integral role in this class. 

Our next adult membership classes will be help twice a month for 3 months from 6-8pm beginning September 8th, 2024.

  • September 8th, and 15th
  • October 6th and 27th
  • November 3rd and 17th
  • February 2nd, 9th and 23rd

Upon completion of this class, if desired you are able to become a voting member of Trinity. 

Please rsvp to the office at brkstrinity@telusplanet.net

We invite you to check out our You Tube channel Brooks Trinity Lutheran Church playlist -Why Lutheran?

Lutheran Study Bible App

The Lutheran Study Bible App from Concordia Publishing House is a great bible resource when you are on the go. It is a free app with the option of a yearly or monthly subscription. Check out the details below for all of the extras. The free version gives you full access to the whole bible and study notes. 

Your favorite study Bible now goes everywhere you go with The Lutheran Study Bible App by Concordia Publishing House. Distinctively Lutheran notes from theologians and pastors beautifully expound upon the full ESV Bible text, now in a simple, intuitive format on your device. Features of The Lutheran Study Bible App:

  • Complete Bible text with uniquely Lutheran study notes
  • Over 200 articles, maps, and book introductions
  • Powerful search organized by verse, keyword, or topic
  • Thousands of inline cross-references and linked articles
  • Simple text controls for easy reading on any device
  • Custom notes, highlights, and saved verses by user

Get started today for a seamless, spiritually fruitful experience in God’s Word.

Download App

Midweek Bible Study

This study has concluded but all the information is below if you would like to do the study at home. We also have a few copies of the book available to purchase at the office. 

“Has American Christianity Failed?”

This is an important and accessible primer to Christianity that every American Christian should read without delay. Pr. Wolfmueller explains the historical trends that have derailed American Christianity from trusting in the promises of God, and restores the good news of life and hope in Christ to those who find their souls murdered by popular errors.  Pr. Wolfmueller teaches us about God, about the scriptures, and about what God has accomplished for us through Christ Jesus. Pr. Wolfmeuller teaches us how the errors of revivalism, pietism, mysticism, and enthusiasm steal away our hope and trust in a God who is mighty to save. The study is based on the book by Bryan Wolfmueller by the same name and facilitated by Pastor Maggie Theiss.

If you would like a book they are available at Amazon or if you would rather listen to it it is available on Audible.

Study Handout

Week 1 - Click here for the Teaching Video

Some of you asked for Pastor Maggie's Talking notes here they are - Notes

Piety and Pietism Video - Will Wheedon

Homework video - "The theological word you need to know" Bryan Wolfmueller

Week 2 - Click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie's notes

Take Home on Piety - click here

Homework Video link - "God's Word is Awesome" Bryan Wolfmueller

Week 3 - Click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie notes

Take home- The Book of Concord - a Primer by Ron Voss

Week 4 - Click here for teaching video

Pastor Maggie's Notes

Link: Luther on Assurance of Salvation (and against speculative theology...) by Bryan Wolfmueller

Week 5 - click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie's Notes

Handouts - 47 Old Testament Prophecies, and Office of the Keys and Confession Refresher

Homework: Confession & Absolution" by Bryan Wolfmueller

         "O Sacred Heart" a Cappella Hymn

        "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" Fernando Ortega

Week 6 - Click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie's notes

Week 7 - Click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie's notes

Video: What is the big deal about baptism - Bryan Wolfmueller

Week 8 - Click here for the teaching video

Pastor Maggie's Notes

Homework : What Does God think of good works? -Video by Bryan Wolfmueller

                      Baptism Q&A with Flame, Bryan Wolfmueller & Lex Lutheran


Here are some links to past studies that we have done:

Katie and Martin Luther

Study handout

Click here for the Teaching Video

Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz

The Book of Ruth

Study handout

Click here for the Teaching Video