• Maggie Theiss - Pastor

    Pastor Maggie has been on staff at Trinity since 1997 and has been our Pastor since February 2019. At the 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting on February 3rd Trinity extended a contract call to Maggie to Trinity Lutheran Church Brooks and she accepted that call. Maggie's role at Trinity previously was as Youth and Family Minister. Maggie has over 30 years experience working with youth and families in local congregations and across the wider church in the capacity of Leadership training and development. She has had the privilege of serving as Key Note Speaker at Camps, Youth Gatherings, Women's events and Clergy gatherings.

    Maggie has 5 children who each have families of their own adding the blessing of 15 grandchildren so far! Time spent with them is always pure gift and Bear Lake, Utah a Holy place for her! Time spent daily with husband John and with Lady London Blue, her Great Dane, brings renewal and joy.

    Maggie takes great joy in writing worship resources and bible studies for youth and adults, being a kid at Vacation Bible School, storytelling ANYTIME, leading worship and preaching the Word of God when so called. Hanging out with young people is truly a privilege and the best moments of walking the journey of faith with them come when the light-bulb goes on and they grow in knowing the love of Jesus and His call in their life to Follow Him! She has been blessed to go on several mission trips to Mexico, Belize, Jamaica and Costa Rica.

    In the last few years she has been able to realize a few life dreams - riding a camel and whale watching on the Pacific Northwest coastline. Maggie first dreamed of being a pastor at around 5 years of age, that dream has come true by the grace of God and she wonders what holy surprises God has in store for the coming years!

  • Rev. John Theiss - Pastor Emeritus

    “Emeritus” is an honorary title bestowed upon one who has retired from the position of pastor, professor, or other professional position, as a way of honoring the individual’s service. Emeritus comes from the Latin word emereri, which means to earn one’s discharge by service. Bestowing the title “Pastor Emeritus” upon a retiring pastor is a way for the church leadership to honor his/her service to the church. 

  • Joey Armstrong - Office Administrator

    The office at Trinity Lutheran Church is open and staffed by the office administrator: Joey Armstrong .

    Office Hours

    Monday: Closed

    Tuesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

    Wednesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

    Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

    Friday: 9:00 am - noon

  • Sarah Summach - Worship & Communications Minister


President:   Leona Ferguson

Vice-President:   Mark Altwasser

Secretary:   Anna Moeller

Treasurer:   Brenda Orlita

Financial Secretary:   Herb Brown

Board of Deacons:   Brenda Morris

                                  Doug Erlandson

                                  Dennis Dyrland

Board of Trustees:  Troy Prenevost

                                 Vince Elgersma

                                 Warren Watson


Board of Education Ryan Summach

                                    Brianna Nolan

                                    Charlene Musgrove

Who We Are

Trinity Lutheran Church was organized in 1965 and is currently a member of the

Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations and

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC)

With a membership of over 800 baptized members, Trinity is part of the larger Christian community in the Brooks area through its participation in the Newell Christian Community.

As a Lutheran congregation, Trinity is committed to proclaiming The Good News of God’s love and forgiveness through and in His Son, Jesus Christ. As we proclaim that Gospel and administer the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, we believe that God the Spirit works through those vehicles of grace to lead people to faith in Jesus as their Savior from the consequences of sin and into a new and changed life as God's children. We confess the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and the only source and the authority for all we teach and do together as his people. We continue to work with other Christian groups toward the unity of all Christians into a visible fellowship of followers of Christ.

What We Believe

Our vision of ministry, found in our Mission Statement, "Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping and sending disciples” , together with our Guiding Principles, reflects the goal of living out God’s love individually and as a faith community, that others may see Jesus in us. To that end, Trinity provides a variety of ministry support programs in the community and the members of the congregation are encouraged to be ministers of Christ at work, play, school, and home.

Our 6 Guiding Principles are:

  • The Bible is the authoritative Word of God.
  • The Holy Spirit guides and leads us.
  • We are saved by grace through faith in Christ our Lord.
  • Everyone is precious and loved by God.
  • We grow spiritually through: prayer, Bible study, worship and fellowship.
  • We share our gifts from God through mission, discipleship and service.

Trinity is a vibrant family of God that:

  • is rooted in the Bible and Lutheran Confessions
  • equips and supports disciples who make more disciples
  • lives our faith daily as we walk in a growing relationship with Jesus
  • welcomes everyone and reaches out to those in need
  • has meaningful worship grounded in scripture connecting us with God and real life
  • prayerfully seeks continuous spiritual growth